Being Human

How to nurture our humaness

Living with contradictions

An image with contradictions An image with contradictions
Being Human
In our everyday life we often experience situations where a conflict arises between our attitudes and our behaviour. We then experience an uncomfortable feeling that can even lead us to a lasting change of our attitudes and our behaviour. To experience consistency in a world full of contradictions, we often use irrational justifications and …

What is behind my actions?

Affe schaut in Spiegel Affe schaut in Spiegel
Being Human
If you want to find out what really drives you, then the intention behind your desires and actions are especially important. We often have learned our basic intention(s) since early childhood. We cannot change fundamentally from one day to the next - but we can so in the long term if we are willing to learn and to heal. Therefore, it is worthwhile …

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
