I know that I know nothing

Das Universum Das Universum
With increasing inner experience, however, I realised that my mind was blocking my view of the essential through its own judgements and concepts. Due to its high speed, I was too driven and too tense to perceive what is behind. The only purpose of my life was to have a goal. With this attitude, I could not breathe freely. I was a proud rider on a …

What is behind my actions?

Affe schaut in Spiegel Affe schaut in Spiegel
If you want to find out what really drives you, then the intention behind your desires and actions are especially important. We often have learned our basic intention(s) since early childhood. We cannot change fundamentally from one day to the next - but we can so in the long term if we are willing to learn and to heal. Therefore, it is worthwhile …

Be with yourself

Flourishing Flower Flourishing Flower
Therefore, spend time consciously with yourself to really get to know yourself and to create and live a good relationship. To see what a great effect this will have on you and your self-perception, I would like to invite you to spend some time with yourself just 10 minutes every day to give time for just that. It doesn’t matter whether you …