May 11–19, 2024 Cagliari - Laconi (Sardinia)
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Shamanic Pilgrimage in Sardinia: St James Path

The pilgrimage offers a sacred space of reflection and immersion in our inner landscape where we can touch the essence of our life and immerse ourselves in the ancestrality of the island.

Last summer when I was travelling through Sardinia from south to north, from Cagliari to Porto Torres, I expressed the desire to share this wonderful shamanic medicine of the pilgrimage that has completely transformed my life. And, it is now with great honor that I can finally offer the first of a series of shamanic pilgrimages of the central axis of the Camino of Sant James in Sardinia.

The first part, that goes from Cagliari to Laconi, includes 7 stages; we leave the urban space of Cagliari to walk towards the center of Sardinia. Guided by the spirits of Mother Nature, the path offers a sacred space of reflection and immersion in our inner landscape where we can touch the essence of our life, discover the various facets of our soul and immerse ourselves in the ancestrality of the island.

The path will be accompanied by daily shamanic dynamics that will make this walk different from all the others or from a traditional excursion. In fact, shamanic medicines will guide our steps and give direction to our inner research.


The total route is about 135 km so we will walk an average of 20 km per day. The meeting will be in Cagliari at the church of Santu Jacu on Friday 11th May and next days, we will pass through these towns, where in some of them we will stop to sleep.

  • Monserrato

  • Settimo San Pietro

  • Soleminis

  • Dolianova

  • Sant’Andrea Frius

  • Silius

  • Goni

  • Siurgius Donigala

  • Mandas

  • Gergei

  • Isili

  • Nurallao

  • Arrivo a Laconi

For whom 

This pilgrimage is for anyone who loves to walk, who desires to see the beauty of Sardinia and to discover the mysteries of the island. More than anything, this pilgrimage is for whom is interested in a total immersive shamanic experience and has a desire to review and transform specific aspects of life and cultivate what matters to enter the next phase of life with a fresh spirit and clarity.

Although the pilgrimage will be done at a leisurely pace and following the pace of the group and the inspirations of the moment, a fair amount of physical wellbeing is required to be able to walk an average of 20 km per day.

Considering that is a spiritual journey of deep self-knowledge, this walk is not suitable for those who are only interested in walking as a sport activity or who have certain physical goals to achieve,

It is necessary to have a chat with Isha to find out whether the walk is suitable for your personal needs and whether you have an adequate fitness and health.

The Path of Saint James 

The central axis of the walk is about 490 km. In this pilgrimage we will do the first of the 3 stages. The second stage will be done in the spring of 2025. The walk was created by the Camminando Association ( and was walked entirely by Isha in August 2023.

What is included 

The package includes the walk through the town mentioned above and in addition: Isha’s guide, sharing circles, rituals and shamanic dynamics, 8 nights’ accommodations in suggested local facilities of various and types and quality (simple but all equipped with beds and showers), breakfast and a full meal per day.

Not included are entrances to archaeological sites or museums, packed lunch, and the return from Laconi to one’s destination on Sunday the 19th (this will in any case be arranged collectively).


Contribution for guide and rituals: €300
Overnight stay, breakfast and a daily meal: 560 €
Any other expenses (including liability insurance): 80 €

Total contribution: 940 €

200 € to be paid by bank transfer to reserve a place. The remaining amount can be paid in instalments until the departure date.

It is necessary to join by April 20 to enable the organization of the pilgrimage and the preparation of all participants. There will be a few collective zoom calls to explain all the details of the walk, recommend equipment, and how to prepare in the most appropriate way.

This retreat is limited to 6 people to provide an intimate and personal experience.

If arriving by plane, the best arrival airport is Cagliari.

Contact us for any information or to book your place.

this Retreat is with
Besides being an academic, Isha has been walking the shamanic path since 2012 and offers shamanic individual sessions, workshops and retreats. She supports people into a process of self-knowledge and healing guided by her intuition and Mother Nature.
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All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.

Martin Buber