March 24, 2024 from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM
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"We Women, Lunatic Beings": Discovering the Mysteries of the Dark Feminine

Workshops to explore the mysteries of the dark feminine guided by the Moon, the Goddesses and with a cacao ceremony.

We Women, Lunatic Beings”: Discovering the Mysteries of the Dark Feminine 

We, women are moody beings. By moody I mean that we have the ability to experience different polarities in our lives and show various sides of ourselves, just like the moon. Often misunderstood, first and foremost by ourselves, what we often seek is a journey into ourselves, a path of authenticity to reveal our myriad nuances, feel our life purpose and express ourselves.

This journey into the mysteries of the dark feminine wishes to reveal the fiery, transformative aspect of our femininity. To honour the cycle of birth, death and rebirth that is at the centre of our history as women and at the centre of Mother Earth.

Dark feminine energy is often misunderstood as negative, but instead it represents the mysterious, intuitive and inner aspect of femininity. Aligning oneself with the dark feminine leads to a deep understanding of one’s fears and shadows, a discovery of one’s sensuality and authenticity, and a recognition of that transformative power.

Furthermore, the dark feminine energy helps us confront our fears and shadows, allowing us to integrate these aspects of ourselves into a complete and empowered version of ourselves.

It is the force that drives a woman’s inner knowing, emotional depth and spiritual connection.

“We Women, Lunatic beings" is a shamanic path that, through the female archetypes, allow us to explore the energies that move within ourselves, stimulating a deep understanding of our inner diversity.

The events are in Tortolì (Ogliastra, Italy)


1st Meeting — Sunday 4th February: The art of letting go 

  • Rituals of the threads

  • Cacao ceremony

  • _Archetype Morgana - Celtic Goddess of Death and RebirthMedusa Archetype - Gorgon & Moon Goddess _

  • Waning Moon in Sagittarius

2nd Meeting — Sunday 10th March: The wisdom of the feminine 

  • Rituals of the keys

  • Cacao ceremony

  • Archetype Hecate- Goddess of boundaries, transitions, crossings, magic, New Moon.and Protector

  • New Moon in Pisces

3rd Meeting — Sunday 24th March 2024: The thousand faces of the feminine 

  • Rituals of the masks

  • Cacao ceremony

  • Medusa Archetype - Gorgon & Moon Goddess and Protector

  • Full moon in Libra

These paths are for women who want to deepen their relationship with the feminine. Who want to know themselves and the mysteries of their feminine, who want to heal and transform their wounds, pains and alchemise their traumas towards an energy of creativity and fertility.

These events propose experiential and shamanic journeys that require active participation and an intention to connect deeply with one’s feminine.

What we offer:

  • A protected and safe space for women

  • Cacao ceremony

  • Explorations of divine archetypes and the feminine wisdom

  • Shamanic dynamics oriented towards the theme of the event

  • Heart-womb alignment practices

  • Activation of the womb as a space of intuition and wisdom

  • Shamanic theatre

  • Sharing Circle

  • Shamanic meditation

Contribution: 65 to 85 euros (depending on your resources) per event.

It is necessary to reserve your place with an advance payment of 30 euro. In addition to the above, a light lunch is included.

You can participate in a single event. If you wish to participate in all 3 events, the complete package will be offered for a total of 180 euros.

The circle is limited to 10 women to create an atmosphere of intimacy and sharing. No knowledge is needed but simply openness.

To book please contact Isha by email ( isha@artejanis.org) or on fb, instagram. Write for any information, questions or curiosity about the event. Write for any information, questions or curiosity about the course.

Contribution: 65 to 85 euros (depending on your resources) per event.

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Besides being an academic, Isha has been walking the shamanic path since 2012 and offers shamanic individual sessions, workshops and retreats. She supports people into a process of self-knowledge and healing guided by her intuition and Mother Nature.
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All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.

Martin Buber