August 27–31, 2022 Erbelathori, Villagrande Strisaili (Sardinia)
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Weaving the Threads of Life
In the Sardinian Mountains

A journey of 4 days in the beautiful Sardinia to dive deep, revise and nurture the diverse threads and aspects of your existence – to be the artist of your own life.

When we were in Brazil for our Shamanic Initiation in February, we envisioned a longer retreat where people could dedicate four days for themselves. As we were experiencing how the medicine of Nature and the Fire Element were transforming our lives, we felt the importance to offer such a protected healing space also in our School of Life, such that people can go deeper in themselves and revise the different aspects of their lives to go into Autumn with a fresh and enriched energy.

You might be asking - “why might this retreat be for me?” After being more than 10 years in this shamanic path, we, Artejanis, know how nurturing it is when we slow down, stop for a moment and recalibrate and resynchronise our lives while being surrounded by wild nature. Accordingly, we will provide you a protected, wild and authentic space in Sardinia combined with shamanic guidance of care and love and the support of the medicine of Nature to find out what you need to grow into the next stage of your life.

So here it is, our long awaited shamanic offering for the year – a journey of 4 days in Sardinia to dive deep into the threads and diverse aspects of our lives to become more and more the Artist of your own life. In these days, you will have time to profoundly touch what aspects of your life wants to be seen, transformed and nurtured. Starting in the darkness of the new moon, we will day by day weave our threads of life into the crescent moon. The energy of the element Fire will be our guide.

  • Which are the threads that are not needed anymore and which are those there to stay?
  • Which are the threads that want to be transformed or revised?
  • Which are the new threads that want to be weaved into your life?

This shamanic journey will take place in a magic space in the Sardinian mountains, a jewel in uncontaminated wilderness - Erbelathori. Then, you can choose to stay some more days near the cristalline waters of the Mediterranean sea to integrate and relax. Our journey will go through the mountains and for whom wish, it can finish at the sea.


  • Saturday 27th: Preparing — Arrival to Tortolì
    Joint start at 8.00pm with a sharing circle.
    Opening the theme with shamanic dynamics.
  • Sunday 28th: Revisiting life – Which are our threads and tools?
    Walking to Erbelathori
  • Monday 29th: Revealing Distractions and Knots
    Shamanic dynamics and rituals.
  • Tuesday 30th: Finding Clarity and Focus
    Shamanic crafts, ancestral healing field
  • Wednesday 31st: Affirming and Blessing
    Consolidating and reinforcing our choices, Sharing Circle - Walk back
  • Optional Thursday 1st: Free day
    A free day for you where you can choose to enjoy the nearby beaches and lovely Mediterranean sea
  • Optional Friday 2nd: Boat trip
    Boat trip to the spectacular Mediterranean bays of Cala Goloritzé, Cala Mariolu, Cala Luna.

Please bear in mind that the programme can be subject to slight changes according to the inspiration and the weather.

For whom 

This retreat is for everyone who feels the call towards shamanic work and has the desire to revise and transform specific aspects of life and nurture what matters to go into life with a fresh spirit and clarity.


We are honoured to held this retreat in a place where a vision and a dream have been realised. Erbelathori is a sheepfold-refuge, at 1200m, located in one of the most evocative, uncontaminated and unexplored corners of Ogliastra. Erbelathori is a space of authenticity, originality and simplicity located in one of the most unexplored faces of the Gennargentu. Erbelathori is a little oasis with its own micro-clima from where you can admire the peak of Punta La Marmora and Perda Liana.

What is included 

The package includes what is mentioned in the program above. Precisely it includes: sharing circle, shamanic work and dynamics, rituals, guidance with Isha & Joshua, meals, accommodation for 3 nights at Erbelathori, translation Italian/English and organisation.

There are some sleeping huts in Erbelathori but you might need to bring a tent for individual use. If you decide to stay longer at the sea, we can help you to find a lovely place in Tortolì.

Contribution and Information 

Early-bird price until July 31st: 440 euro
Normal price from August 1st: 520 euro
150€ to be paid by bank transfer to reserve a place.

This retreat is limited to 10 people to provide an intimate and personal experience.

If you are coming by plane, the best arrival airport is Olbia and Cagliari. We highly recommend to extend your stay in Ogliastra afterwards. Get in touch with us to know more or for support with the logistic in Sardinia.

Contact us for any information or to book your place.

this Retreat is with
Besides being an academic, Isha has been walking the shamanic path since 2012 and offers shamanic individual sessions, workshops and retreats. She supports people into a process of self-knowledge and healing guided by her intuition and Mother Nature.
Besides being a Mathematician, he is a trained Gestalt therapist and studies Psychology in Vienna. Joshua has been walking the shamanic path since 2012 and guides in single sessions, shamanic rituals and seminars through the wilderness of the soul. He awakens ancient, ancestral memories and (re-)connects people with Mother Nature following his inner voice.
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All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.

Martin Buber