July 23, 2021 Tortolì (Sardinia)
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Awakening Womb Wisdom

A series of workshops for all woman to deepen the relationship with our female center of intuition, power and wisdom.

The womb is mainly considered when we, women, are about to become mothers, giving birth, and then… remembered perhaps on the days of the cycle or if we are experiences any sickness related to it.

Why, if in many traditions the womb is considered the most sacred center of women’s power and wisdom, does it tend to be forgotten and neglected?

With this seminar series we want to bring attention, awaken and connect with the wisdom of our womb. When a woman shifts her center of gravity to her womb, she becomes more centered, empowered, present and grounded. She can birth herself.

These workshops are for girls and women from 13 years up.

They are for girls and women who are simply curious, want to connect to their menstrual cycle, have a painful cycle, are in menopause, have been abused, are or want to become mothers, have had an abortion, have had a hysterectomy, want to heal inner wounds, want to change something in their life or simply want to live better.

These workshops include:

  • guided meditations

  • body movements

  • deepening the relation with the lunar cycles

  • Shamanic dynamics

  • mantras and music

  • sharing

  • integration

There will be 4 workshops and each will have a different theme.

*Connecting to our womb
*Friday, July 2 - Waning moon

*Rooting through our womb
*Friday, July 9 - New moon

*Awakening the creativity of our womb
*Thursday, July 15 - Waxing moon

*Aligning heart-womb
*Friday, July 23 - Full moon

They will be from 8.30-10:45pm. You must arrive by 8:45pm to be able to enter. No experience in Shamanism or knowledge of these topics is necessary, just an open and interested attitude and heart.

Each seminar will have a contribution of 15 euros. You can participate in individual seminars, or if you want to book all four seminars, instead of 60 euros, the contribution will be 50 euros.

For each seminar you will need a yoga mat (if possible), a pillow (if possible), comfortable clothes, some water and a notebook/agenda with pen.

Limited places - reservations are necessary.

For any information and to book you need to contact Isha via email, Facebook or Instagram.

this Workshop is with
Besides being an academic, Isha has been walking the shamanic path since 2012 and offers shamanic individual sessions, workshops and retreats. She supports people into a process of self-knowledge and healing guided by her intuition and Mother Nature.
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All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.

Martin Buber