Winter Solstice Shamanic Sharing Circle

In one of the darkest nights of the year, we gather in front of a fire to see and listen each other. Sharing some music, be present to ourselves and to the others.

Sharing Circles are ancient healing spaces where we get witnessed and witness our and others’ inner processes. It is a space of deep listening and of speaking own’s truth without fear. In this way we learn more about ourselves and Shamanism and about its vibrations with the truth of our souls.

With this Sharing Circle, we would like to offer a protected sacred space of wisdom and learning to come back to ourselves, to reconnect and to grow individually and collectively.

This time, we will be in our site of the Purification Lodge guided by the waxing moon, the Four Elements and the Goddess Mother, and we invite you to an evening of sharing life and community.

Free contribution.

Location: Su Para -Tortolì. We will start at 20.00 and will finish around 21.30.

We will send the details once you have let us know your participation.

Contact us for any information or booking your place.

Workshop: We Young Women, New Moons

“We Young Women, New Moons” is a 2-day immersive workshop aimed at young women. The purpose is to create a collaborative space where we can talk about this phase of life, our female body and our cyclical nature. The workshop includes dynamic and interactive sessions where you can know a bit more yourself and your body through creativity, music and words.

Some of the topics that will be addressed are:

  • How can I live better with my period?

  • What are my four lunar seasons and how can they help me?

  • How do I experience the transition of my body and what relationship do I have with it?

In these two days it will be possible to stay together, get to know each other and explore crucial issues of our becoming women. The workshop includes the program above, collective meals of Saturday evening and Sunday breakfast and lunch, and a night together in a tent in Campo Tagore. In addition, during these two days there will be plenty of free time to swim in the sea, get to know each other better and spend some time together.


  • Saturday 23
    Meeting in Campo Tagore (Tertenia) at 10.00
    Seminar: My Four Lunar Seasons
    Dynamics: The myth of Artemis
    Dynamic: Rite of Passage: “I, Young Woman”

  • Sunday 24
    Seminar: The misteries of my body
    Closing circle
    Closing and goodbyes at 6pm

Please keep in mind that the program may be subject to slight changes according to the inspiration and the weather.

For whom?

This workshop is for young people from 14 years old and above and for all those who consider themselves young women. It is for those who want to understand their relationship with the feminine, who want to know themselves and the mysteries of becoming a woman, who want to live in more harmony with their body and activate an energy of creativity and well-being.


The workshop is offered by The New University of Free Pedagogy (LUNP) and will be held in Campo Tagore - Tertenia (NU).


The workshop will be held by Isha, a lecturer in Human Geography at the university of Salford in Manchester and a shamanic apprentice at the Terra Mirim community in Brazil. For some years Isha has dedicated herself to the female world and has been initiated as a Daughter of the Moon by XamAM Alba Maria.


Contribution: 65 euros + 20 euros for the stay in Campo Tagore

Contact Isha for any information to, at 3283481534, on Facebook or Instagram at @artejanis. community.

Shamanic Retreat: Weaving Threads of Life

Weaving Threads of Life is a journey of 4 days in the mountains of Sardinia to dive deep into the threads and diverse aspects of our lives to become more and more the Artist of our own life. In these days,** **you will have time to profoundly touch what aspects of your life wants to be seen, transformed and nurtured. Starting with the weaning moon, day by day, we will weave our threads of life into the new moon to seed our new intentions.

  • Which are the threads that are not needed anymore and which are those there to stay?

  • Which are the threads that want to be transformed or revised?

  • Which are the new threads that want to be weaved into your life?

We will provide you a protected, wild and authentic space in Sardinia combined with shamanic guidance of care and love and the support of the medicine of Nature to find out what you need to grow into the next stage of your life. This shamanic journey will take place in a magic space in the Sardinian mountains, a jewel in uncontaminated wilderness - Erbelathori. Then, you can choose to stay some more days near the cristalline waters of the Mediterranean sea to integrate and relax. Our journey will go through the mountains and for whom wish, it can finish at the sea.


  • Wednesday 28th: Preparing — Arrival to Tortolì
    Joint start at 8.00pm with a sharing circle.
    Opening the theme with shamanic dynamics and setting up our intentions.

  • Thursday 29th: Revisiting life – Which are our threads and tools?
    Walking to Erbelathori and arrival. Shamanic dynamics.

  • Friday 30th: Revealing Distractions and Knots
    Dynamics and Shamanic Ritual: Journey into the Soul

  • Saturday 11th: Finding Clarity and Focus
    Shamanic crafts, ancestral healing field

  • Sunday 1st: Affirming and Blessing
    Consolidating and reinforcing, Sharing Circle and closing — Walk back

Please bear in mind that the programme can be subject to slight changes according to the inspiration and the weather.

For whom

This retreat is for everyone who feels the call towards shamanic work and has the desire to revise and transform specific aspects of life and nurture what matters to go into life with a fresh spirit and clarity.


We are honoured to held this retreat in a place where a vision and a dream have been realised. Erbelathori is a sheepfold-refuge, at 1200m, located in one of the most evocative, uncontaminated and unexplored corners of Ogliastra. Erbelathori is a space of authenticity, originality and simplicity located in one of the most unexplored faces of the Gennargentu. Erbelathori is a little oasis with its own micro-clima from where you can admire the peak of Punta La Marmora and Perda Liana.

What is included

The package includes what is mentioned in the program above. Precisely it includes: sharing circle, shamanic work and dynamics, rituals, guidance with Isha & Joshua, meals, accommodation for 3 nights at Erbelathori, translation Italian/English and organisation.

There are some sleeping huts in Erbelathori but you might need to bring a tent for individual use. If you decide to stay longer at the sea, we can help you to find a lovely place in Tortolì.

Contribution and Information

Journey Contribution: 400 €
Accommodation/Food/Organization: 140 €
Translation: 40 €
Total Contribution: 580 €

To reserve a place, 200€ needs to be paid in advance by bank transfer.

This retreat is limited to 10 people to provide an intimate and personal experience.

If you are coming by plane, the best arrival airport is Olbia and Cagliari. We highly recommend to extend your stay in Ogliastra afterwards. Get in touch with us to know more or for support with the logistic in Sardinia.

Contact us for any information or to book your place.

Ritual: Winter Purification Lodge

There is something very magical about the ritual of the purification lodge in the middle of the Sardinian winter.

🔥 The grandfather fire warms up the stones bringing warmth and light to these cold winter days.

🌱 The cool and moist mother earth nourishes the roots of the ancient citrus trees that are bearing their first fruits of the season.

🍊 The air is infused by the scent of mandarins and oranges making us imagining the juiciness and sweetness in our palates.

🌿 The herbal bath gathers the care of those Mediterranean herbs that are ready to bless our new year.

⛺️ The lodge, covered with shawls like a wise lady who wants to warm her up, opens her arms to welcome us.

This is an invitation:

  • to experience the winter alchemy of the Rite of Purification Lodge

  • to be embraced by the warm womb of the Mother Earth

  • to purify our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies

  • to bless the beginning of our new year

The ritual of the purification lodge - often also called sweat lodge - is a shamanic medicine for purification. Every ritual holds the possibility to receive, to heal and to dive deeper into the core of our being. We celebrate this ritual to open our heart and our intuition to the fine, healing vibrations of the Great Mother and to connect with the power and wisdom of the Four Elements. Each time we renew an old bond that reminds us again and again that we are children of planet earth.

What we offer:

  • Ritual of the purification lodge

  • Shamanic dynamics

  • Mantras and shamanic songs

  • Preparation of the lodge

  • Sacred fire

  • Herbal bath

  • Shamanic sharing circle

Join us for this joyful celebration. No experience of shamanism is needed.

Saturday 6th January: 2pm to 9.30pm
Sunday 7th January: 10am to 1pm

Contribution: 65 to 95 euros depending on your possibilities. The ritual is limited to 10 people to provide an intimate and individual experience.

This ritual will be in Italian and in English.

Contact us for any information - or directly to or in Facebook or Instagram at

Winter Shamanic Retreat

We would like to start the new year with a space for our inner worlds. While we are often taken from the business of our everyday life and Christmas festivities, the deep winter is an important time to retreat and to connect with ourselves. The first days of the new year are a unique portal to deeply feel within and to refine our intentions for the new year and our life.

This retreat provides you a sacred space, where shamanic medicines will guide you on a deep journey into the soul. The full moon energy will help in bringing light to some aspects of your life that you would like to see, to feel and to deepen. A journey of self knowledge is what will guide our days together.


_Friday, January 6nd _
14.00 - Arrival at the venue and Opening
15:00 - Preparation of the Purification Lodge
17:30 - Rite of the Purification Lodge
20:30 - Light Dinner

_Saturday, January 7st _
08:30 - Breakfast
09:30 - Sharing circle
10:30 - Shamanic Dynamics
13:00 - Light Lunch
14.00 - Free Afternoon
17:00 - Ritual: Shamanic Journey into the Soul

_Sunday, January 8nd _
08:30- Breakfast
10:00 - Sharing circle
13:00 - Joint Lunch
15.00 - Closing

Contribution: 275 euros

125€ to be paid by bank transfer to reserve a place.

This includes shamanic rituals and guidance, meals as indicated above and accommodation for two nights.

The ritual is limited to 6 people and will be in Italian and in English.

If you feel the call for this retreat you are very welcome to join. You will have a chat with Isha and Joshua to see, if this program is suitable for you. This retreat is for anyone that feels ready to go a bit deeper into themselves.

Contact us for any information - or directly to or in Facebook or Instagram at

Ritual: Summer Purification Lodge

Feeling abundant means to feel the richness of life, to perceive the many opportunities that life constantly brings us and to touch a sense of gratitude. In this, we can recognise that everything has a cycle of life and death: things start and finish – and, we are part of this beautiful dance of nature.

On the other hand, we also live in a world where crisis and scarcity are around and presented daily in the media. We might perceive the pain and violence of Mother Earth and her living beings and it might be difficult to see the abundance there. How can we change this perspective from lacking to satisfaction? How can we see the richness of our lives? How can we touch the abundance of cycles that have a beginning, a maturity and then, an end. How can we create a world of abundance for us?

When we connect to this sense of inner abundance, life too begins “to gift us", to bring concrete manifestations of this flow of abundance in different aspects of our life. In this ritual of the purification lodge, we will celebrate together abundance in all its forms to dive deeper in ourselves and to enrich various facets of our lives with abundance.

The ritual of the purification lodge - often also called sweat lodge - is a shamanic medicine for purification. Every ritual holds the possibility to receive, to heal and to dive deeper into the core of our being. We celebrate this ritual to open our heart and our intuition to the fine, healing vibrations of the Great Mother and to connect with the power and wisdom of the Four Elements. Each time we renew an old bond that reminds us again and again that we are children of planet earth.

This ritual is:

  • for everyone who feels the call to purify, cleanse and revitalise the four bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).

  • for whom feels the call to connect deeper with Nature and the ancient medicine of the Purification Lodge.

  • for all who want to connect more with the feeling of abundance and feel the richness of life.

What we offer:

  • Ritual of the purification lodge

  • Shamanic dynamics

  • Mantras and shamanic songs

  • Preparation of the lodge

  • Sacred fire

  • Herbal bath

  • Shamanic sharing circle

Join us for this joyful celebration. No experience of shamanism is needed.

Saturday 29th: 3pm to 11pm
Sunday 30th: 9.30am to 1pm

Contribution: 65 to 95 euros depending on your possibilities. The ritual is limited to 10 people to provide an intimate and individual experience.

This ritual will be in Italian and in English.

Contact us for any information - or directly to or in Facebook or Instagram at

Shamanic Retreat: Weaving Threads of Life

Weaving Threads of Life is a journey of 4 days in the mountains of Sardinia to dive deep into the threads and diverse aspects of our lives to become more and more the Artist of your own life. In these days,** **you will have time to profoundly touch what aspects of your life wants to be seen, transformed and nurtured. Starting with the weaning moon, day by day, we will weave our threads of life into the new moon to seed our new intentions.

  • Which are the threads that are not needed anymore and which are those there to stay?

  • Which are the threads that want to be transformed or revised?

  • Which are the new threads that want to be weaved into your life?

We will provide you a protected, wild and authentic space in Sardinia combined with shamanic guidance of care and love and the support of the medicine of Nature to find out what you need to grow into the next stage of your life. This shamanic journey will take place in a magic space in the Sardinian mountains, a jewel in uncontaminated wilderness - Erbelathori. Then, you can choose to stay some more days near the cristalline waters of the Mediterranean sea to integrate and relax. Our journey will go through the mountains and for whom wish, it can finish at the sea.


  • Friday 8th: Preparing — Arrival to Tortolì
    Joint start at 8.00pm with a sharing circle.
    Opening the theme with shamanic dynamics and setting up our intentions.

  • Saturday 9th: Revisiting life – Which are our threads and tools?
    Walking to Erbelathori and arrival. Shamanic dynamics.

  • Sunday 10th: Revealing Distractions and Knots
    Dynamics and Shamanic Ritual: Journey into the Soul

  • Monday 11th: Finding Clarity and Focus
    Shamanic crafts, ancestral healing field

  • Tuesday 12th: Affirming and Blessing
    Consolidating and reinforcing, Sharing Circle and closing — Walk back

Please bear in mind that the programme can be subject to slight changes according to the inspiration and the weather.

For whom

This retreat is for everyone who feels the call towards shamanic work and has the desire to revise and transform specific aspects of life and nurture what matters to go into life with a fresh spirit and clarity.


We are honoured to held this retreat in a place where a vision and a dream have been realised. Erbelathori is a sheepfold-refuge, at 1200m, located in one of the most evocative, uncontaminated and unexplored corners of Ogliastra. Erbelathori is a space of authenticity, originality and simplicity located in one of the most unexplored faces of the Gennargentu. Erbelathori is a little oasis with its own micro-clima from where you can admire the peak of Punta La Marmora and Perda Liana.

What is included

The package includes what is mentioned in the program above. Precisely it includes: sharing circle, shamanic work and dynamics, rituals, guidance with Isha & Joshua, meals, accommodation for 3 nights at Erbelathori, translation Italian/English and organisation.

There are some sleeping huts in Erbelathori but you might need to bring a tent for individual use. If you decide to stay longer at the sea, we can help you to find a lovely place in Tortolì.

Contribution and Information

Journey Contribution: 400 €
Accommodation/Food/Organization: 180 €
Total Contribution: 580 €

To reserve a place, 200€ needs to be paid in advance by bank transfer.

This retreat is limited to 10 people to provide an intimate and personal experience.

If you are coming by plane, the best arrival airport is Olbia and Cagliari. We highly recommend to extend your stay in Ogliastra afterwards. Get in touch with us to know more or for support with the logistic in Sardinia.

Contact us for any information or to book your place.

Ritual: Late Summer Purification Lodge

Feeling abundant means to feel the richness of life, to perceive the many opportunities that life constantly brings us and to touch a sense of gratitude. In this, we can recognise that everything has a cycle of life and death: things start and finish – and, we are part of this beautiful dance of nature.

On the other hand, we also live in a world where crisis and scarcity are around and presented daily in the media. We might perceive the pain and violence of Mother Earth and her living beings and it might be difficult to see the abundance there. How can we change this perspective from lacking to satisfaction? How can we see the richness of our lives? How can we touch the abundance of cycles that have a beginning, a maturity and then, an end. How can we create a world of abundance for us?

When we connect to this sense of inner abundance, life too begins “to gift us", to bring concrete manifestations of this flow of abundance in different aspects of our life. In this ritual of the purification lodge, we will celebrate together abundance in all its forms to dive deeper in ourselves and to enrich various facets of our lives with abundance.

The ritual of the purification lodge - often also called sweat lodge - is a shamanic medicine for purification. Every ritual holds the possibility to receive, to heal and to dive deeper into the core of our being. We celebrate this ritual to open our heart and our intuition to the fine, healing vibrations of the Great Mother and to connect with the power and wisdom of the Four Elements. Each time we renew an old bond that reminds us again and again that we are children of planet earth.

This ritual is:

  • for everyone who feels the call to purify, cleanse and revitalise the four bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).

  • for whom feels the call to connect deeper with Nature and the ancient medicine of the Purification Lodge.

  • for all who want to connect more with the feeling of abundance and feel the richness of life.

What we offer:

  • Ritual of the purification lodge

  • Shamanic dynamics

  • Mantras and shamanic songs

  • Preparation of the lodge

  • Sacred fire

  • Herbal bath

  • Shamanic sharing circle

Join us for this joyful celebration. No experience of shamanism is needed.

Saturday 18th: 3pm to 11pm
Sunday 19th: 10am to 1pm

Contribution: 65 to 95 euros depending on your possibilities. The ritual is limited to 10 people to provide an intimate and individual experience.

This ritual will be in Italian and in English.

Contact us for any information - or directly to or in Facebook or Instagram at

Ritual: Spring Purification Lodge

Spring is the time where we say goodbye to the winter cocoon that has embraced us for the last months. We can sense a new fresh vital energy surrounding us that comes with the spring. In this magic awakening of life and vitality, however new life is still quite vulnerable: plants are growing and fortifying their roots, stem and buds to become stronger and to flourish over the year.

Spring is showing us an explosion of life and invites us to participate to the nature’s cyclic dance. It is a time of deep transformation and changes, where our old skin might not fit us anymore and a new vulnerable layer has already started growing to support our inner growth and our precious buds to blossom.

This shamanic ritual invites you to leave the winter “coat” for a new dress that allows your transformation and expansion to happen. We will nurture our inner core, strengthen our roots, stem and buds, so we can flourish and bring our flowers and fruits into the world.

The medicine of the purification lodge - also called sweat lodge - is a shamanic ritual for purification. Every ritual holds the possibility to receive, to heal and to dive deeper into the core of our being. We celebrate this ritual to open our heart and our intuition to the fine, healing vibrations of the Great Mother and to connect with the power and wisdom of the Four Elements. Each time we renew an old bond that reminds us again and again that we are children of Mother Earth.

This ritual is:

  • for everyone who feels the call to purify, cleanse and revitalise the four bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).

  • for whom feels the call to connect deeper with Nature and the ancient Medicine of the Purification Lodge.

  • for all who want to strengthen their inner core and prepare for their inner transformation and expansion

What we offer:

  • Recommendations how to prepare yourself for this ritual

  • Ritual of the purification lodge with shamanic guidance

  • Shamanic dynamics (individual and/or group work) to deepen your intentions

  • Sacred fire and Herbal bath

  • Wisdom of the Four Elements

  • Shamanic sharing circle to support integration of the experience

Join us for this deep purification and celebration of life. No experience of shamanism is needed.

Saturday 6th: 3pm to 11pm
Sunday 7th: 9.30am to 1pm

Contribution: 65 to 95 euros depending on your possibilities. The ritual is limited to 10 people to provide an intimate and individual experience.

It’s necessary to book in advance with a deposit of 30 euros.

This ritual will be in Italian and in English.

Contact us for any information - or directly to or in Facebook or Instagram at

Retreat: A Shamanic Journey to (Re)connect to Yourself

This retreat is a 15-day deep shamanic immersion at the Terra Mirim community in Brazil, a natural and ancestral healing centre located 30 minutes from Salvador in Baia. The retreat is co-guided by Isha and Terra Mirim’s best shamans and healers to create a protected and sacred space of self-knowledge, healing and deepening.

The retreat, held in the heart of the Atlantic forest, begins with preparation and purification practices and rituals to create a good grounding and arrival for all the participants. Then in the following days, it delves into the heart of the shamanic medicinal plants honoured for centuries by the native tribes of Latin America. For each shamanic ritual and dynamic, there will be an opportunity to share and integrate the experience and touch the essence of what has been lived. The last part of the programme includes participation in the unmissable Pachamama Festival, which has been held in Terra Mirim for several years. The festival attracts people from all over the world and engages with art as a shamanic healing tool, offering spaces for sacredness and creativity.

To say yes to such an experience is to say yes to oneself. The programme was prepared with care and love so that participants could take time and space for themselves to re-evaluate and deepen the aspects of their lives that most need attention and support. This will be a safe space to allow the medicinal plants and the wisdom of these ancestral practices to heal one’s wounds and support the deep desires of one’s soul.


Day 1 (Tuesday 4th): Arrival and Accommodation

Day 2 (Wednesday 5th): Opening day

  • Opening circle with XamAM

  • Visit to TM temples and community spaces

  • Cleansing and grounding treatment

  • Drum circle at the bonfire

Day 3 (Thursday 6th): Purification day

  • Connecting with the Atlantic forest herbs and plants and preparing the herbal bath

  • Ritual of the Purification Lodge

Day 4 (Friday 7th): Cacao Day

  • Cleaning the cabana space and sharing circle

  • Cacao ceremony

Day 5 (Saturday 8th): XamAM Day

  • A ritualistic day led by XamAM

Day 6 (Sunday 9th): Day of Rapè & Mother of the Forest

  • Rapè and Paui ceremony

  • Mother of the Forest ritual

Day 7 (Monday 10th): Integration day

  • Sharing circle

  • Resting

  • Map of the 4 Elements

Day 8 (Tuesday 11th): Grandfather of the Desert day

  • Grandfather of the Desert ritual

Day 9 (Wednesday 12th): Closing day

  • Final sharing

  • Shamanic theatre

Day 10 (Thursday 13th): Community day

  • Preparing the space for the festival

  • Dinner in Salvador in Rio Vermelho

Pachamama Festival Days

Day 11: (Friday 14th): Pachamama Festival

Day 12: (Saturday 15th): Pachamama Festival

Day 13: (Sunday 16th): Pachamama Festival

Integration Days

Day 14: (Monday 17th): Day at the beach

Day 15: (Tuesday 18th): Day in Salvador (Recommended flight in the evening from 08.00pm)

Please bear in mind that the programme can be subject to slight changes according to the inspiration.

For whom

This retreat is recommended for those who have already had some experience of shamanism and have the desire to deepen these natural and ancestral practices. During these immersion days you have the opportunity to touch and transform key aspects of your life and then return home to begin a new chapter. Should you feel the call to participate in this immersion but have no experience of shamanism you should have a chat with Isha to see if this immersion is for you.


Terra Mirim (TM) is a communitarian foundation founded by shaman Alba Maria (XamAM) and other healers more than 30 years ago. Located in the middle of the Atlantic forest, about 30 minutes from Salvador, TM is considered a centre of light for the support it has given over the decades not only to local communities, but also to many visitors from all over the world who have come to TM to retreat, take care of themselves and find inspiration. It currently has about 40 residents living in the community and the surrounding lands. In addition, TM has been recognised by the Brazilian government and UNESCO for its active involvement in the recovery of the Atlantic Forest and the promotion of sustainable development in its territory.

What is included

The package includes what is mentioned in the programme above. More specifically it includes: rituals, sharing circles, shamanic work and dynamics with Isha and the Terra Mirim healers, Isha’s guidance and support for the duration of the stay, accommodation for 14 nights at Terra Mirim, use of the community spaces, three vegetarian meals a day, entrance to the Pachamama Festival, taxi transport to and from Salvador airport (SSA) to TM, Italian/English/Portuguese translation.

Does not include: air travel to and from Brazil, meals outside TM on the days we go to Salvador and to the beach, other individual expenses.

If possible, I would recommend staying the night of 18th February and leaving on the 19th February (with an extra 45 euros for food and accommodation). In fact, if you decide to stay a few more days or arrive a few days earlier, you have to add 45 euros per night per person.

Contribution and Information

Contribution for the shamanic journey in Brazil: 1770 €

200 € to be paid by bank transfer to reserve a place. Refundable only if you cancel by 15 December.

Payment in instalments available.

This retreat will be offered in Italian, Portuguese and English and has limited places and it is therefore necessary to book in advance.

The closest airport to Terra Mirim is Salvador Luís Eduardo Maron Magalhães (SSA) which is about 30 minutes away from the community. I recommend departures with a stopover in Lisbon or Madrid. The flight is usually organised individually but if you would like to leave with other participants or need support to buy the plane ticket please let Isha know. In any case, please, inform Isha before buying the flight ticket to confirm that dates and times of arrival and departure are good. Please contact us for more information or support with logistics.

Contact us for any information or to book your place, email to o whatsapp +39 3283481534 or at a

Shamanic Journey in the Land of Ancestral Healing

Sardinia - a land of myths, wisdom and wilderness. This land is waiting to reveal its mysteries to us, when we are ready to listen with open hearths to the profound teachings of the Goddess Mother. In this journey we will travel from the coastal areas of the East coast to the deeper parts of Sardinia, where honouring the native population archeologies sites, and supported by the shamanic medicines, we will create a space to listen the ancient wisdom of this land.

It’s wonderful to have our teachers, XamAM and Dhan Ribeiro from the Brazilian tribe Terra Mirim, to guide us into a deep shamanic journey in the ancestral land of Sardinia. The Shamans have been walking the path of the Goddess Mother inspired by the Shamanism of the Four Elements for more than 40 years.

It’s an honour to welcome our teachers and to be able to share their wisdom and sacred medicines in our school of life Artejanis with you. For those who feel the call, this is a warm invitation to join us in this shamanic journey to feel, touch and activate the precious healing energy of Sardinia in us.


Tuesday, June 20th
Arrival in Tortolì (recommended from 2pm to 7pm)
Accommodation arrangements
Sharing Circle in Triei

Wednesday, June 21st
Preparation of the Purification Lodge
Rite of the Purification Lodge for the Solstice in Tortolì

Thursday, June 22nd
Free morning
A Journey into ancestral Sardinia
Ritual: Spirit of the Mountains and of the Waters in Benetutti

Friday, June 23rd
Visit to a sacred temple a Villagrande Strisaili
Swimming in pure waters
Free afternoon

Saturday, June 24th
Sharing circle
Shamanic Dynamics
Light Lunch
Free Afternoon
Ritual: Shamanic Journey into the Soul

Sunday, June 25th
Sharing circle

Optional: Monday, June 26th nd
Enjoy a day at the amazing local beach

Contribution and Information

Journey Contribution (without Accommodation): 670 €
Accommodation for 6 nights in double rooms: 180 €
Total Contribution: 850 €

To reserve a place, 300 € is to be paid by bank transfer in advance.

Included are shamanic rituals and guidance, meals as indicated above, translation, organisation and accommodation for 6 nights. If you want to stay also Monday night and leave Tuesday 26th please add 20 € for the extra day accommodation.

The retreat has a limited number of people and will be in Italian and in English.

Regarding transport, best airports to arrive are Cagliari or Olbia. According to the group, we might decide to rent collective cars to share with the others.

If you feel the call for this retreat you are very welcome to join. You will have a chat with Isha or Joshua to see, if this program is suitable for you and we will send more info This retreat is for anyone that feels ready to go a bit deeper into themselves.

Contact us for any information - or directly to or in Facebook or Instagram at

Ritual: Spring Purification Lodge

Spring is the time where we say goodbye to the winter cocoon that has embraced us for the last months. We can sense a new fresh vital energy surrounding us that comes with the spring. In this magic awakening of life and vitality, however new life is still quite vulnerable: plants are growing and fortifying their roots, stem and buds to become stronger and to flourish over the year.

Spring is showing us an explosion of life and invites us to participate to the nature’s cyclic dance. It is a time of deep transformation and changes, where our old skin might not fit us anymore and a new vulnerable layer has already started growing to support our inner growth and our precious buds to blossom.

This shamanic ritual invites you to leave the winter “coat” for a new dress that allows your transformation and expansion to happen. We will nurture our inner core, strengthen our roots, stem and buds, so we can flourish and bring our flowers and fruits into the world.

The medicine of the purification lodge - also called sweat lodge - is a shamanic ritual for purification. Every ritual holds the possibility to receive, to heal and to dive deeper into the core of our being. We celebrate this ritual to open our heart and our intuition to the fine, healing vibrations of the Great Mother and to connect with the power and wisdom of the Four Elements. Each time we renew an old bond that reminds us again and again that we are children of Mother Earth.

This ritual is:

  • for everyone who feels the call to purify, cleanse and revitalise the four bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).

  • for whom feels the call to connect deeper with Nature and the ancient Medicine of the Purification Lodge.

  • for all who want to strengthen their inner core and prepare for their inner transformation and expansion

What we offer:

  • Recommendations how to prepare yourself for this ritual

  • Ritual of the purification lodge with shamanic guidance

  • Shamanic dynamics (individual and/or group work) to deepen your intentions

  • Sacred fire and Herbal bath

  • Wisdom of the Four Elements

  • Shamanic sharing circle to support integration of the experience

Join us for this deep purification and celebration of life. No experience of shamanism is needed.

Saturday 1st: 3pm to 11pm
Sunday 2nd: 10am to 1pm

Contribution: 65 to 95 euros depending on your possibilities. The ritual is limited to 10 people to provide an intimate and individual experience.

It’s necessary to book in advance with a deposit of 30 euros.

This ritual will be in Italian and in English.

Contact us for any information - or directly to or in Facebook or Instagram at

Shamanic Sharing Circle

One of the key medicines of our Shamanic tradition of the Goddess Mother is sharing. With this Sharing Circle, we would like to offer a protected sacred space of wisdom and learning to come back to ourselves, to reconnect and to grow individually and collectively.

Sharing Circles are ancient healing spaces where we get witnessed and witness our and others’ inner processes. It is a space of deep listening and of speaking own’s truth without fear. In this way we learn more about ourselves and Shamanism and about its vibrations with the truth of our souls.

This time, we will be in our site of the Purification Lodge guided by the waining moon, the Four Elements and the Goddess Mother, and we invite you to an evening of sharing life and community.

Free contribution. Reservation recommended.

Location: Su Para -Tortolì. Arrival from 20.00 and starting at 20.30. We will finish around 22.30.

We will send the details once you have let us know your participation.

Contact us for any information or booking your place.

Awakening Womb Wisdom

The womb is mainly considered when we, women, are about to become mothers, giving birth, and then… remembered perhaps on the days of the cycle or if we are experiences any sickness related to it.

Why, if in many traditions the womb is considered the most sacred center of women’s power and wisdom, does it tend to be forgotten and neglected?

With this seminar series we want to bring attention, awaken and connect with the wisdom of our womb. When a woman shifts her center of gravity to her womb, she becomes more centered, empowered, present and grounded. She can birth herself.

These workshops are for girls and women from 13 years up.

They are for girls and women who are simply curious, want to connect to their menstrual cycle, have a painful cycle, are in menopause, have been abused, are or want to become mothers, have had an abortion, have had a hysterectomy, want to heal inner wounds, want to change something in their life or simply want to live better.

These workshops include:

  • guided meditations

  • body movements

  • deepening the relation with the lunar cycles

  • Shamanic dynamics

  • mantras and music

  • sharing

  • integration

There will be 4 workshops and each will have a different theme.

*Connecting to our womb
*Friday, July 2 - Waning moon

*Rooting through our womb
*Friday, July 9 - New moon

*Awakening the creativity of our womb
*Thursday, July 15 - Waxing moon

*Aligning heart-womb
*Friday, July 23 - Full moon

They will be from 8.30-10:45pm. You must arrive by 8:45pm to be able to enter. No experience in Shamanism or knowledge of these topics is necessary, just an open and interested attitude and heart.

Each seminar will have a contribution of 15 euros. You can participate in individual seminars, or if you want to book all four seminars, instead of 60 euros, the contribution will be 50 euros.

For each seminar you will need a yoga mat (if possible), a pillow (if possible), comfortable clothes, some water and a notebook/agenda with pen.

Limited places - reservations are necessary.

For any information and to book you need to contact Isha via email, Facebook or Instagram.

Ritual: Autumn Purification Lodge

This is the first of three autumn events that mark the beginning of the darkest season, the season of letting go, recollection and introspection. In autumn, we begin to consider our past year and prepare for winter and a new cycle of life. It is no coincidence that, in Celtic tradition, the end of October marks Samhain or the Celtic New Year, an auspicious time to make personal evaluations. In this evaluation, one asks oneself which were the main crops of this year and which seeds failed to germinate. One wonders which dreams, ideas and projects one wants to let go of and which ones one wants to reconsider. This autumn purification lodge prepares us for the entrance of the darker season, a journey into the underworld in order to make an honest reflection with oneself.

This period at the end of October is also marked by the strong connection that exists between the realms of the spirits and the living. Indeed, this purification lodge wants to use this portal to let go of those seeds that we no longer wish to plant so that they can ‘rest in peace’. It will be a purification of our four bodies (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) in the ancestral womb of Mother Earth.

The ritual of the purification lodge - often also called sweat lodge - is a shamanic medicine for purification. Every ritual holds the possibility to receive, to heal and to dive deeper into the core of our being. We celebrate this ritual to open our heart and our intuition to the fine, healing vibrations of the Great Mother and to connect with the power and wisdom of the Four Elements. Each time we renew an old bond that reminds us again and again that we are children of planet earth.

This ritual is:

  • for everyone who feels the call to purify, cleanse and revitalise the four bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).

  • for whom feels the call to connect deeper with Nature and the ancient medicine of the Purification Lodge.

  • who want to reflect on various aspects of their lives and let go of what is not needed

What we offer:

  • Ritual of the purification lodge

  • Shamanic dynamics

  • Mantras and shamanic songs

  • Preparation of the lodge

  • Sacred fire

  • Herbal bath

  • Shamanic sharing circle

Join us for this joyful celebration. No experience of shamanism is needed.

Saturday 19th Oct: 3pm to 11pm
Sunday 20th Oct: 09.30am to 1pm

Contribution: 65 to 95 euros depending on your possibilities. The ritual is limited to 10 people to provide an intimate and individual experience.

It’s necessary to book in advance with a deposit of 30 euros.

This ritual will be in Italian and in English.

Contact us for any information - or directly to or call 3283481534.

Spring Shamanic Retreat

Taking some time off and retreating from your daily routine will give you time and space for yourself to deeper touch your essence and what truly matters to you. With different shamanic medicines, we will prepare ourselves to listen to our inner spaces. Surrounded by nature, we will refine our senses and attune more to silence where your inner prayer can unfold.

This retreat provides you a sacred space, where shamanic medicines will guide you on a deep journey into the soul. The full moon energy will help us in bringing light to important aspects of your life that you would like to see, to feel and to deepen. Join us in the late spring on this shamanic journey of devotion and self knowledge.


Friday, June 2nd
15:00 - Arrival at the venue and opening
16:00 - Preparation of the Purification Lodge
19:30 - Rite of the Purification Lodge
21:30 - Light Dinner

Saturday, June 3rd
08:30 - Breakfast
09:30 - Sharing circle
10:30 - Shamanic Dynamics
13:00 - Light Lunch
15:00 - Free Afternoon
19:00 - Ritual: Shamanic Journey into the Soul

Sunday, June 4th
08:30 - Breakfast
10:00 - Sharing circle
14:00 - Joint Lunch
16.00 - Closing

Contribution: 295 euros

125 € to be paid by bank transfer to reserve a place.

This includes shamanic rituals and guidance, meals as indicated above and accommodation for two nights.

The ritual is limited to 8 people and will be in Italian and in English.

If you feel the call for this retreat you are very welcome to join. You will have a chat with Isha and Joshua to see, if this program is suitable for you. This retreat is for anyone that feels ready to go a bit deeper into themselves.

Contact us for any information - or directly to or in Facebook or Instagram at

Shamanic Retreat: We Women, Rooted Moons

“We Women, Rooted Moons” is a 2-day shamanic retreat oriented towards female well-being. In these two days you will be able to dedicate some space and time to yourself, to refocus, to feel and to relax. In this retreat we want to deepen the relationship with our body that is a portal to activate our creativity and inner wisdom. By creating a listening space, we can tap into our inner voice so that women can realign and root themselves. The wild and authentic mountains of Sardinia with their clear waters offer a magical and protected place for an all-female immersion.


  • Saturday 16th
    Meeting in Villanova Strisaili at 08.30pm
    Walk to Erbelathori
    Shared lunch
    Shamanic dynamics: Womb activation
    Shamanic wheel around the fire

  • Sunday 17th
    Shamanic Dynamics: Rooted Bodies
    Final reflections and closing circle
    Walk back at 4.30pm
    Return to Villanova at 7.30pm

Please bear in mind that the programme can be subject to slight changes according to the inspiration and the weather.


We are honoured to held this retreat in a place where a vision and a dream have been realised. Erbelathori is a sheepfold-refuge, at 1200m, located in one of the most evocative, uncontaminated and unexplored corners of Ogliastra. Erbelathori is a space of authenticity, originality and simplicity located in one of the most unexplored faces of the Gennargentu. Erbelathori is a little oasis with its own micro-clima from where you can admire the peak of Punta La Marmora and Perda Liana.

In this retreat, embraced by the wild and native nature of Sardinia and the purest waters of the Gennargentu, we dive into a shamanic journey of self-knowledge and exploration, expression and integration of our emotions.

Follow Erbelathori in collaboration with Selvaggio Verde here on facebook.

What is included

The package includes what is mentioned in the program above. Precisely it includes: sharing circle, shamanic work and dynamics, rituals, guidance with Isha, meals, accommodation for 2 nights at Erbelathori.

There are some sleeping huts in Erbelathori but you can choose to bring a tent for individual use.

The path of the** Daughters of the Moon with Isha **

We, women are moody beings. By moody I mean that we have the ability to experience different polarities in our lives and show various faces of ourselves, just like the moon. Often misunderstood, first and foremost by ourselves, what we often seek is a journey into ourselves, a path of authenticity to reveal our many nuances, feel our life purpose and express ourselves without fear to the world as what we are.

These paths are for women who want to deepen their relationship with the feminine. Who want to know themselves and the mysteries of their feminine, who want to heal and transform their wounds, pains and alchemise their traumas towards an energy of creativity and fertility. A path of purification and embodiment so that the wisdom of the womb can be awakened and listened.

Both online and in-person events are all experiential and shamanic journeys that require active participation and an intention to connect deeply with one’s feminine.

What we offer:

  • A protected and safe space for women

  • Shamanic sharing

  • Practices for the awakening of womb energy

  • Explorations of divine archetypes and women’s wisdom

  • Practices of heart-womb alignment

  • Activation of the womb as a source of creative and fertile potential

  • Shamanic meditations


Contribution: 155 euro

This retreat is limited to 8 people to provide an intimate and personal experience.

Contact us for any information or to book your place.

Ritual: Purification Lodge for Abundance

Feeling abundant means to feel the richness of life, to perceive the many opportunities that life constantly brings us and to touch a sense of gratitude. In this, we can recognise that everything has a cycle of life and death: things start and finish – and, we are part of this beautiful dance of nature.

On the other hand, we also live in a world where crisis and scarcity are around and presented daily in the media. We might perceive the pain and violence of Mother Earth and her living beings and it might be difficult to see the abundance there. How can we change this perspective from lacking to satisfaction? How can we see the richness of our lives? How can we touch the abundance of cycles that have a beginning, a maturity and then, an end. How can we create a world of abundance for us?

When we connect to this sense of inner abundance, life too begins “to gift us", to bring concrete manifestations of this flow of abundance in different aspects of our life. In this ritual of the purification lodge, we will celebrate together abundance in all its forms to dive deeper in ourselves and to enrich various facets of our lives with abundance.

The ritual of the purification lodge - often also called sweat lodge - is a shamanic medicine for purification. Every ritual holds the possibility to receive, to heal and to dive deeper into the core of our being. We celebrate this ritual to open our heart and our intuition to the fine, healing vibrations of the Great Mother and to connect with the power and wisdom of the Four Elements. Each time we renew an old bond that reminds us again and again that we are children of planet earth.

This ritual is:

  • for everyone who feels the call to purify, cleanse and revitalise the four bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).
  • for whom feels the call to connect deeper with Nature and the ancient medicine of the Purification Lodge.
  • for all who want to connect more with the feeling of abundance and feel the richness of life.

What we offer:

  • Ritual of the purification lodge
  • Shamanic dynamics
  • Mantras and shamanic songs
  • Preparation of the lodge
  • Sacred fire
  • Herbal bath
  • Shamanic sharing circle

Join us for this joyful celebration. No experience of shamanism is needed.

Saturday 18th: 3pm to 11pm Sunday 19th: 10am to 1pm

Contribution: 65 to 95 euros depending on your possibilities. The ritual is limited to 10 people to provide an intimate and individual experience.

This ritual will be in Italian and in English.

Contact us for any information - or directly to or in Facebook or Instagram at

Shamanic Pilgrimage in Sardinia

Last summer when I was travelling through Sardinia from south to north, from Cagliari to Porto Torres, I expressed the desire to share this wonderful shamanic medicine of the pilgrimage that has completely transformed my life. And, it is now with great honor that I can finally offer the first of a series of shamanic pilgrimages of the central axis of the Camino of Sant James in Sardinia.

The first part, that goes from Cagliari to Laconi, includes 7 stages; we leave the urban space of Cagliari to walk towards the center of Sardinia. Guided by the spirits of Mother Nature, the path offers a sacred space of reflection and immersion in our inner landscape where we can touch the essence of our life, discover the various facets of our soul and immerse ourselves in the ancestrality of the island.

The path will be accompanied by daily shamanic dynamics that will make this walk different from all the others or from a traditional excursion. In fact, shamanic medicines will guide our steps and give direction to our inner research.


The total route is about 135 km so we will walk an average of 20 km per day. The meeting will be in Cagliari at the church of Santu Jacu on Friday 11th May and next days, we will pass through these towns, where in some of them we will stop to sleep.

  • Monserrato

  • Settimo San Pietro

  • Soleminis

  • Dolianova

  • Sant’Andrea Frius

  • Silius

  • Goni

  • Siurgius Donigala

  • Mandas

  • Gergei

  • Isili

  • Nurallao

  • Arrivo a Laconi

For whom

This pilgrimage is for anyone who loves to walk, who desires to see the beauty of Sardinia and to discover the mysteries of the island. More than anything, this pilgrimage is for whom is interested in a total immersive shamanic experience and has a desire to review and transform specific aspects of life and cultivate what matters to enter the next phase of life with a fresh spirit and clarity.

Although the pilgrimage will be done at a leisurely pace and following the pace of the group and the inspirations of the moment, a fair amount of physical wellbeing is required to be able to walk an average of 20 km per day.

Considering that is a spiritual journey of deep self-knowledge, this walk is not suitable for those who are only interested in walking as a sport activity or who have certain physical goals to achieve,

It is necessary to have a chat with Isha to find out whether the walk is suitable for your personal needs and whether you have an adequate fitness and health.

The Path of Saint James

The central axis of the walk is about 490 km. In this pilgrimage we will do the first of the 3 stages. The second stage will be done in the spring of 2025. The walk was created by the Camminando Association ( and was walked entirely by Isha in August 2023.

What is included

The package includes the walk through the town mentioned above and in addition: Isha’s guide, sharing circles, rituals and shamanic dynamics, 8 nights’ accommodations in suggested local facilities of various and types and quality (simple but all equipped with beds and showers), breakfast and a full meal per day.

Not included are entrances to archaeological sites or museums, packed lunch, and the return from Laconi to one’s destination on Sunday the 19th (this will in any case be arranged collectively).


Contribution for guide and rituals: €300
Overnight stay, breakfast and a daily meal: 560 €
Any other expenses (including liability insurance): 80 €

Total contribution: 940 €

200 € to be paid by bank transfer to reserve a place. The remaining amount can be paid in instalments until the departure date.

It is necessary to join by April 20 to enable the organization of the pilgrimage and the preparation of all participants. There will be a few collective zoom calls to explain all the details of the walk, recommend equipment, and how to prepare in the most appropriate way.

This retreat is limited to 6 people to provide an intimate and personal experience.

If arriving by plane, the best arrival airport is Cagliari.

Contact us for any information or to book your place.

The New Year Rite of Passage

Would you like to celebrate New Year different than usual? We will offer a shamanic mini-retreat to a very small group of people who would like to seed new intentions for 2022. We are offering various shamanic dynamics and on a purification lodge ritual at dawn on Sunday which is a unique experience. Included in our celebrational program are a light dinner on Saturday, breakfast and Sardinian lunch on Sunday.

In these special first days of the new year, we will have a night within the new moon which will provide a great portal to sow new intentions and welcome 2022 with a Shamanic Rite of Passage. It will be very nice to celebrate the new year in a ritualistic way with all of you who would like to join us.


Saturday, January 1st
14:30 - Arrival
15:00 - Opening and preparation of the Purification Lodge
17:30 - Shamanic Dynamics to prepare our bodies
19:30 - Dinner
20:30 - Sensing the intentions for the New Year

Sunday, January 2nd
04:00 - Setting up fire
05:00 - Rite of Passage with the Purification Lodge
10:00 - Sharing circle
13:00 - Joint Lunch
15.30 - Closing

Contribution: from 95 to 140 euros depending on your possibilities.

If you feel the call for this ritual you are very welcome to join. No previous experience of Shamanic rituals is needed. To participate it is necessary to be available both days.

Contact us for any information - or directly to or in Facebook or Instagram at

The ritual is limited to 8 people and will be in Italian and in English.

Ritual: Purification Lodge for the New Year

We would like to start the New Year with a beautiful celebration for seeding the intentions for the 2023 and start the year joyfully together. After the ritual we would like to have a nice meal together, where everyone brings something to share.

The ritual of the purification lodge - often also called sweat lodge - is a shamanic medicine for purification. Every ritual holds the possibility to receive, to heal and to dive deeper into the core of our being. We celebrate this ritual to open our heart and our intuition to the fine, healing vibrations of the Great Mother and to connect with the power and wisdom of the Four Elements. Each time we renew an old bond that reminds us again and again that we are children of planet earth.

This ritual is:

  • for everyone who feels the call to purify, cleanse and revitalise the four bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).
  • for whom feels the call to connect deeper with Nature and the ancient medicine of the Purification Lodge.
  • for all who want to connect and celebrate the New Year 2023 together.

What we offer:

  • Ritual of the purification lodge
  • Shamanic dynamics
  • Mantras and shamanic songs
  • Preparation of the lodge
  • Sacred fire
  • Herbal bath
  • Shamanic sharing circle

Join us for this joyful celebration. No experience of shamanism is needed.

We will start with the ritual on Saturday at 2:00 pm and close around 10pm. Please be on time.

Contribution of 50 euros - special price for New Year!

This ritual will be in Italian and in English. The ritual is going to be for a small group.

Contact us for any information - or directly to or in Facebook or Instagram at

Workshop: “We Women, Lunatic Beings”

We Women, Lunatic Beings”: Discovering the Mysteries of the Dark Feminine

We, women are moody beings. By moody I mean that we have the ability to experience different polarities in our lives and show various sides of ourselves, just like the moon. Often misunderstood, first and foremost by ourselves, what we often seek is a journey into ourselves, a path of authenticity to reveal our myriad nuances, feel our life purpose and express ourselves.

This journey into the mysteries of the dark feminine wishes to reveal the fiery, transformative aspect of our femininity. To honour the cycle of birth, death and rebirth that is at the centre of our history as women and at the centre of Mother Earth.

Dark feminine energy is often misunderstood as negative, but instead it represents the mysterious, intuitive and inner aspect of femininity. Aligning oneself with the dark feminine leads to a deep understanding of one’s fears and shadows, a discovery of one’s sensuality and authenticity, and a recognition of that transformative power.

Furthermore, the dark feminine energy helps us confront our fears and shadows, allowing us to integrate these aspects of ourselves into a complete and empowered version of ourselves.

It is the force that drives a woman’s inner knowing, emotional depth and spiritual connection.

“We Women, Lunatic beings" is a shamanic path that, through the female archetypes, allow us to explore the energies that move within ourselves, stimulating a deep understanding of our inner diversity.

The events are in Tortolì (Ogliastra, Italy)


1st Meeting — Sunday 4th February: The art of letting go

  • Rituals of the threads

  • Cacao ceremony

  • _Archetype Morgana - Celtic Goddess of Death and RebirthMedusa Archetype - Gorgon & Moon Goddess _

  • Waning Moon in Sagittarius

2nd Meeting — Sunday 10th March: The wisdom of the feminine

  • Rituals of the keys

  • Cacao ceremony

  • Archetype Hecate- Goddess of boundaries, transitions, crossings, magic, New Moon.and Protector

  • New Moon in Pisces

3rd Meeting — Sunday 24th March 2024: The thousand faces of the feminine

  • Rituals of the masks

  • Cacao ceremony

  • Medusa Archetype - Gorgon & Moon Goddess and Protector

  • Full moon in Libra

These paths are for women who want to deepen their relationship with the feminine. Who want to know themselves and the mysteries of their feminine, who want to heal and transform their wounds, pains and alchemise their traumas towards an energy of creativity and fertility.

These events propose experiential and shamanic journeys that require active participation and an intention to connect deeply with one’s feminine.

What we offer:

  • A protected and safe space for women

  • Cacao ceremony

  • Explorations of divine archetypes and the feminine wisdom

  • Shamanic dynamics oriented towards the theme of the event

  • Heart-womb alignment practices

  • Activation of the womb as a space of intuition and wisdom

  • Shamanic theatre

  • Sharing Circle

  • Shamanic meditation

Contribution: 65 to 85 euros (depending on your resources) per event.

It is necessary to reserve your place with an advance payment of 30 euro. In addition to the above, a light lunch is included.

You can participate in a single event. If you wish to participate in all 3 events, the complete package will be offered for a total of 180 euros.

The circle is limited to 10 women to create an atmosphere of intimacy and sharing. No knowledge is needed but simply openness.

To book please contact Isha by email ( or on fb, instagram. Write for any information, questions or curiosity about the event. Write for any information, questions or curiosity about the course.

Contribution: 65 to 85 euros (depending on your resources) per event.

Shamanic Retreat: Navigating Emotions

This shamanic retreat is a little pearl in our School of Life. Hosted by our retreat place Erbelathori in the Gennargentu, we let us being guided by the element Water to navigate our vast emotional fields. Emotions! When emotions arrive, they often overcome us, take all the attention and rarely leave space to the reasoning or to our intuitions. Or, they might be rationalised by the mind, hidden and stay unexpressed to maintain control and feel safer.

How do you deal with your emotions? How do you react in the emotional waves of your life? In this retreat we will experience our emotional fields together, learning how to navigate them and how to align them with our physical, mental and spiritual bodies.

We will offer you a range of shamanic tools to refine your skills to navigate emotional fields. We will work with the purest waters of the Sardinian mountains, shamanic theatre and other shamanic dynamics to purify, unlock and to vitalise our emotional body.

This retreat is for all those who feel the call to know more about themselves, to learn and to refine their emotional skills. It will bring you back to the simplicity, purity and wilderness of life. Guided by Mother Nature you are invited to listen, to be and to feel.

We offer:

  • Shamanic dynamics

  • Circles of sharing

  • Shamanic theatre

  • Body work

  • Nature walks and meditation

  • Mantras and shamanic music


  • Thursday 9th: _Connecting with the emotional body _
    Arrival to Tortolì.
    Joint start at 8.30pm with a sharing circle.
    Opening the theme with shamanic dynamics.

  • Friday 10th: Stagnation and Flow
    Arrival in Villanova and walking to Erbelathori

  • Saturday 11th: Cleansing and Expressing Emotions
    Shamanic dynamics

  • Sunday 12th: _Balancing and Integrating _
    Shamanic dynamics, sharing circle, walk back
    Closing around 7pm

Please bear in mind that the programme can be subject to slight changes according to the inspiration and the weather.

For whom

This retreat is for anyone who feels the call towards shamanic work and has the desire to learn more about emotions and how to navigate them and, overall, to live healthier. No previous shamanic experience is needed, just an open heart and attitude.


We are honoured to held this retreat in a place where a vision and a dream have been realised. Erbelathori is a sheepfold-refuge, at 1200m, located in one of the most evocative, uncontaminated and unexplored corners of Ogliastra. Erbelathori is a space of authenticity, originality and simplicity located in one of the most unexplored faces of the Gennargentu. Erbelathori is a little oasis with its own micro-clima from where you can admire the peak of Punta La Marmora and Perda Liana.

In this retreat, embraced by the wild and native nature of Sardinia and the purest waters of the Gennargentu, we dive into a shamanic journey of self-knowledge and exploration, expression and integration of our emotions.

Follow Erbelathori in collaboration with Selvaggio Verde here on facebook.

What is included

The package includes what is mentioned in the program above. Precisely it includes: sharing circle, shamanic work and dynamics, rituals, guidance with Isha & Joshua, meals, accommodation for 2 nights at Erbelathori, translation Italian/English.

There are some sleeping huts in Erbelathori but you can choose to bring a tent for individual use.


Suggested Contribution: 330 euro
Your contribution can vary from 295 to 350 euro according to your possibilities.
130€ needs to be paid by bank transfer to reserve a place.

This retreat is limited to 10 people to provide an intimate and personal experience.

If you are coming by plane, the best arrival airport is Olbia and Cagliari. We can help you to find an accommodation in Tortolì for the first night. There is also the option of extending your staying in Ogliastra afterwards. Get in touch with us to know more or for support with the logistic in Sardinia.

Contact us for any information or to book your place.

Shamanic Sharing Circle

One of the key medicines of our Shamanic tradition of the Goddess Mother is sharing. With this Sharing Circle, we would like to offer a protected sacred space of wisdom and learning to come back to ourselves, to reconnect and to grow individually and collectively.

Sharing Circles are ancient healing spaces where we get witnessed and witness our and others’ inner processes. It is a space of deep listening and of speaking own’s truth without fear. In this way we learn more about ourselves and Shamanism and about its vibrations with the truth of our souls.

In front of a sacred fire, guided by the Four Elements and the Goddess Mother, we invite you to an evening of sharing life and community.

Free contribution. Reservation needed.

The event will be in Tortolì near Oviesse.

Contact us for any information or booking your place.

Ritual: Purification Lodge for Peace

In Sardinia, there is a typical answer to the question “How are you?”. Sardinians often reply “You know, fighting”. But, what is this fight? And, how seeds of peace can be planted there? In a world where conflicts and wars are rising over and over again, in this ritual, we will look at our inner conflicts to learn and to see what peace means within us. What are our inner conflicts? Are there parts in us where we feel betrayed and are looking for revenge? What can we learn from them and how can we transform our inner battleships into lands of peace? The purification lodge will be our teacher.

In this ritual of the purification lodge, we will bring our inner conflicts to learn and to purify with the intention to plant seeds of peace within us and in the world. The purification lodge creates a protected space of care, learning and love and will support us to heal and purify our four bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).

The ritual of the purification lodge - often also called sweat lodge - is a shamanic medicine for purification. Every ritual holds the possibility to receive, to heal and to dive deeper into the core of our being. We celebrate this ritual to open our heart and our intuition to the fine, healing vibrations of the Great Mother and to connect with the power and wisdom of the Four Elements. Each time we renew an old bond that reminds us again and again to be a child of planet earth.

This ritual is:

  • for everyone who feels the call to purify, cleanse and revitalise the four bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).
  • for whom feels the call to connect deeper with Nature and the ancient medicine of the Purification Lodge.
  • for all who want to bring peace into themselves and the world.

What we offer:

  • Building the lodge
  • Mantras and shamanic songs
  • Preparation of the lodge
  • Sacred fire
  • Ritual of the purification lodge
  • Herbal bath
  • Shamanic sharing circle

Join us for this joyful celebration. No experience of shamanism is needed.

Saturday 9th: 3pm to 10.00pm
Sunday 10th: 10am to 1pm

Contribution: 65 to 90 euros depending on your possibilities. The ritual is limited to 10 people.

This ritual will be in Italian and in English

Contact us for any information - or directly to or in Facebook or Instagram at

Shamanic Retreat: Weaving the Threads of Life

When we were in Brazil for our Shamanic Initiation in February, we envisioned a longer retreat where people could dedicate four days for themselves. As we were experiencing how the medicine of Nature and the Fire Element were transforming our lives, we felt the importance to offer such a protected healing space also in our School of Life, such that people can go deeper in themselves and revise the different aspects of their lives to go into Autumn with a fresh and enriched energy.

You might be asking - “why might this retreat be for me?” After being more than 10 years in this shamanic path, we, Artejanis, know how nurturing it is when we slow down, stop for a moment and recalibrate and resynchronise our lives while being surrounded by wild nature. Accordingly, we will provide you a protected, wild and authentic space in Sardinia combined with shamanic guidance of care and love and the support of the medicine of Nature to find out what you need to grow into the next stage of your life.

So here it is, our long awaited shamanic offering for the year – a journey of 4 days in Sardinia to dive deep into the threads and diverse aspects of our lives to become more and more the Artist of your own life. In these days, you will have time to profoundly touch what aspects of your life wants to be seen, transformed and nurtured. Starting in the darkness of the new moon, we will day by day weave our threads of life into the crescent moon. The energy of the element Fire will be our guide.

  • Which are the threads that are not needed anymore and which are those there to stay?
  • Which are the threads that want to be transformed or revised?
  • Which are the new threads that want to be weaved into your life?

This shamanic journey will take place in a magic space in the Sardinian mountains, a jewel in uncontaminated wilderness - Erbelathori. Then, you can choose to stay some more days near the cristalline waters of the Mediterranean sea to integrate and relax. Our journey will go through the mountains and for whom wish, it can finish at the sea.


  • Saturday 27th: Preparing — Arrival to Tortolì
    Joint start at 8.00pm with a sharing circle.
    Opening the theme with shamanic dynamics.
  • Sunday 28th: Revisiting life – Which are our threads and tools?
    Walking to Erbelathori
  • Monday 29th: Revealing Distractions and Knots
    Shamanic dynamics and rituals.
  • Tuesday 30th: Finding Clarity and Focus
    Shamanic crafts, ancestral healing field
  • Wednesday 31st: Affirming and Blessing
    Consolidating and reinforcing our choices, Sharing Circle - Walk back
  • Optional Thursday 1st: Free day
    A free day for you where you can choose to enjoy the nearby beaches and lovely Mediterranean sea
  • Optional Friday 2nd: Boat trip
    Boat trip to the spectacular Mediterranean bays of Cala Goloritzé, Cala Mariolu, Cala Luna.

Please bear in mind that the programme can be subject to slight changes according to the inspiration and the weather.

For whom

This retreat is for everyone who feels the call towards shamanic work and has the desire to revise and transform specific aspects of life and nurture what matters to go into life with a fresh spirit and clarity.


We are honoured to held this retreat in a place where a vision and a dream have been realised. Erbelathori is a sheepfold-refuge, at 1200m, located in one of the most evocative, uncontaminated and unexplored corners of Ogliastra. Erbelathori is a space of authenticity, originality and simplicity located in one of the most unexplored faces of the Gennargentu. Erbelathori is a little oasis with its own micro-clima from where you can admire the peak of Punta La Marmora and Perda Liana.

What is included

The package includes what is mentioned in the program above. Precisely it includes: sharing circle, shamanic work and dynamics, rituals, guidance with Isha & Joshua, meals, accommodation for 3 nights at Erbelathori, translation Italian/English and organisation.

There are some sleeping huts in Erbelathori but you might need to bring a tent for individual use. If you decide to stay longer at the sea, we can help you to find a lovely place in Tortolì.

Contribution and Information

Early-bird price until July 31st: 440 euro
Normal price from August 1st: 520 euro
150€ to be paid by bank transfer to reserve a place.

This retreat is limited to 10 people to provide an intimate and personal experience.

If you are coming by plane, the best arrival airport is Olbia and Cagliari. We highly recommend to extend your stay in Ogliastra afterwards. Get in touch with us to know more or for support with the logistic in Sardinia.

Contact us for any information or to book your place.

Retreat: Back to the roots

When we get to Erbelathori we breathe, we breathe in the real sense. We breathe authenticity, silence and life. We breathe things that are not easily found in our current society. In Erbelathori we also can breathe freshness and freedom.

We would like to take you there, to that protected place, where the fragrances of thyme and lavender inebriate us, where the stars guide us through the night, where the mouflons retreat and where the waters sing and dance.

In this magical place we would like to create a space of silence to align ourselves with the rhythms of the mountain and of our being. A space to enter into a deep connection with ourselves. A space to reconnect, to feel and to listen.

This retreat is for all those who feel the call towards themselves, to their roots and to nature. Following the footsteps of Sardinian shepherds, we would like to connect with our origins, with our ancestors, with our land, with the simplicity of life.

This is a return that brings us back to the simplicity of life, to the essence of things, to the origin of everything. Shamanic medicines and Mother Nature will guide through this journey.

To listen, to be, to feel.

We offer:

  • Guided Meditations
  • Conscious walks
  • Work with the four elements
  • Shamanic dynamics
  • Mantras and shamanic music
  • Spaces of silence
  • Circle of sharing

Contribution: 275€

125€ to be paid by bank transfer to reserve a place.

There are 10 places available.

Included: place for a tent, vegetarian meals, shamanic work, luggage transport for a part of the walk, guide.

Meeting on Friday at 10.00am in Villagrande and return at 6.00pm on Sunday. There are some sleeping huts but you can choose to bring a tent for individual use.

The Erbelathori sheepfold-refuge, at 1200m, is located in one of the most evocative, uncontaminated and unexplored corners of Ogliastra, on the Gennargentu mountains, in the territory of Villagrande Strisaili, land of longevity. Follow Erbelathori in collaboration with Selvaggio Verde here on facebook.

Contact us for any information.

Retreat: Birthing your dream

Some dreams are there to be born, not only to be dreamt. Yet, the birthing process of a dream is often a very difficult one that needs good tools and experience. In this retreat, we want to provide a safe and nurturing space, where you can explore your dream with all your senses and experience its birthing process.

It doesn’t matter what you have achieved or not in this life, the central question of this retreat is: at this moment of my life what is my yearning? What is my soul dream that wants to be born into life? What resistances are attached to this birth?

We are honoured to held this retreat in a place where a vision and a dream have been realised. Erbelathori is a sheepfold-refuge, at 1200m, located in one of the most evocative, uncontaminated and unexplored corners of Ogliastra. Erbalelathori was indeed a dream, a very difficult one even to be imagined, and almost impossible to be realised. Yet, now it stands as a jewel, a space of authenticity, originality and simplicity.

In this retreat, embraced by the wild and native nature of Sardinia and the purest waters of the Gennargentu, we dive into a shamanic journey of self-knowledge and exploration. A journey to listen to the voice of our soul, so we can see our dream, feel what resistances are attached to it and refine our intention. We, here at Artejanis, believe that our deepest dreams are precious threads to craft a fulfilling and enriched life.


  • Friday 3rd: Feeling the dream
    Arrival to Tortolì.
    Joint start at 8.30pm with a sharing circle.
    Opening the theme with shamanic dynamics.
  • Saturday 4th: Walking in the dream
    Arrival in Villanova and hiking to Erbelathori
  • Sunday 5th: Birthing your dream
    Shamanic dynamics and birthing work
  • Monday 6th: Integrating your dream
    Shamanic crafts, sharing circle, walk back
    Closing around 7pm

Please bear in mind that the programme can be subject to slight changes according to the inspiration and the weather.

What does it include

The package includes what is mentioned in the program above. Precisely it includes: sharing circle, shamanic work and dynamics, rituals, guidance with Isha & Joshua, meals, accommodation for 2 nights at Erbelathori, translation Italian/English.

There are some sleeping huts in Erbelathori but you might need to bring a tent for individual use.

For whom

This retreat is for everyone that feels the call towards shamanic work and has the desire to birth something new in their life. No previous shamanic experience is needed, just an open heart and attitude.


Contribution: 350 euro
125€ to be paid by bank transfer to reserve a place.

Limited to 10 people.

If you are coming by plane, the best arrival airport is Olbia and Cagliari. We can help you to find an accommodation in Tortolì for the first night. There is also the option of extending your staying in Ogliastra afterwards. Get in touch with us to know more or for support with the logistic in Sardinia.

Contact us for any information or to book your place.

Ritual: Element Earth

Ritual: Purification Lodge

At the doors of the Autumn Equinox, this ritual of this purification lodge is devoted to our inner balance. We will dance between light and dark, feeling the extremes, to explore a point of inner stillness where our equilibrium can be touched and experienced.

What is needed to feel that inner balance? What does it mean to feel centred? We will guide you through a protected space where your inner center can be explored and balance can be restored.

The purification lodge is an ancient ritual used to heal the 4 bodies while returning to the womb of Mother Earth, of Pachamama. The ritual creates a space of care, learning and love to give space to ourselves and our expression.

This time, we have the special chance to built a new purification lodge in a new land. Crafting a refined lodge teaches us how to create jointly a space of harmony and balance where each part finds its space in the wholeness.

This ritual is:

  • for everyone who feels the call to purify, cleanse and revitalise the four bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).
  • for whom feels the call to connect deeper with Nature and the ancient medicine of the Purification Lodge.
  • For whom wishes to embrace themselves and feeling a balance in their lives.

What we offer:

  • Building the lodge
  • Mantras and shamanic songs
  • Preparation of the lodge
  • Sacred fire
  • Ritual of the purification lodge
  • Herbal bath
  • Shamanic sharing circle

Join us for this joyful celebration. No experience of shamanism is needed.

Saturday 18th: 2pm to 11pm Sunday 19th: 10am to 1pm

Contribution: 60 to 75 euros depending on your possibilities. The ritual is limited to 12 people.

This ritual will be in Italian and in English

Contact us for any information - or directly to or in Facebook or Instagram at

Ritual: Solstice Lodge

This ritual, at the gates of the summer solstice, offers a great opportunity to dive into our inner blossoming. During the solstice the earth and its inhabitants are in full bloom and at the pick of their energy.

With this ritual we want to welcome this subtle energy of the solstice to celebrate life, abundance and our flowering. What have we grown? Can we see ourselves as flowers? Are we capable of celebrating and enjoying our life and our abundance?

The purification lodge is an ancient ritual used to heal the 4 bodies while returning to the womb of Mother Earth, of Pachamama. The ritual creates a space of care, learning and love to give space to ourselves and our expression.

This ritual is:

  • for everyone who feels the call to purify, cleanse and revitalise the four bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).
  • for whom feels the call to connect deeper with Nature and the ancient medicine of the Purification Lodge.
  • For whom wishes to embrace themselves and celebrate life and their beauty

What we offer:

  • Mantras and shamanic songs
  • Preparation of the lodge
  • Sacred fire
  • Ritual of the purification lodge
  • Herbal bath
  • Shamanic sharing circle

Join us for this joyful celebration. No experience of shamanism is needed.


Saturday 19th: 3.30pm to 10pm Sunday 20th: 10am to 1pm

Contribution: 60 euros

This ritual will be in Italian and in English

Contact us for any information.

Ritual: Winter Solstice Purification Lodge

The ritual of the purification lodge - often also called sweat lodge - is a shamanic medicine for purification. Every ritual holds the possibility to receive, to heal and to dive deeper into the core of our being. We celebrate this ritual to open our heart and our intuition to the fine, healing vibrations of the Great Mother and to connect with the power and wisdom of the Four Elements.

This ritual will be held in the Winter Solstice to celebrate the longer night of the year enlightened by the shining light of the Full Moon. Similarly, the purification lodge will offer a space to strengthen our inner light within the dark times of the winter and of the contemporary period.

This ritual is:

  • for everyone who feels the call to purify, cleanse and revitalise the four bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).
  • for whom feels the call to connect deeper with Nature and the ancient medicine of the Purification Lodge.
  • for all who want to strengthen their inner light.

What we offer:

  • Mantras and shamanic songs
  • Preparation of the lodge
  • Sacred fire
  • Ritual of the purification lodge
  • Herbal bath
  • Shamanic sharing circle


Saturday 18th from 3pm to 10pm
Sunday 19th from 10am to 1pm

To participate it is necessary to be available both days.

Contribution: from 65 to 90 euros depending on your possibilities. The ritual is limited to 12 people and will be in Italian and in English.

Contact us for any information - or directly to or in Facebook or Instagram at

If you feel the call for this ritual you are very welcome to join. No previous experience of Shamanic rituals is needed.

Shamanic Sharing Circle

One of the key medicines of our Shamanic tradition of the Goddess Mother is sharing. With this Sharing Circle, we would like to offer a protected sacred space of wisdom and learning to come back to ourselves, to reconnect and to grow individually and collectively.

Sharing Circles are ancient healing spaces where we get witnessed and witness our and others’ inner processes. It is a space of deep listening and of speaking own’s truth without fear. In this way we learn more about ourselves and Shamanism and about its vibrations with the truth of our souls.

In front of a sacred fire, guided by the Four Elements and the Goddess Mother, we invite you to an evening of sharing life and community.

Free contribution. Reservation needed.

Location to be confirmed.

Contact us for any information or booking your place.

Workshop: Element Air

A few weeks ago we went to Monte Arista and as soon as we arrived at the Domus de Janas – ancient graves of the spiritual guides – we felt a silence and a peace that we would like to share with you on this workshop devoted to grandfather air.

With this workshop we are ending our cycle of the four elements that we have started in January.

When the moon sets and the sun rises
We breath the silence
We meditate the Air
We welcome ourselves
We feel ourselves

Get in touch to join us.

Workshop: Element Fire

Shamanic Journey in the Land of Ancestral Healing

Decolonising our minds, purifying our bodies, nurturing our spirits

Sardinia - a land of myths, wisdom and wilderness. A land where tribes from all the Mediterranean would come to healing and the drink from its source of wellness. But also a land were many tribes passed and attempted to colonise. In this process of colonisation, something remained quite pure and untouched: the mystical essence of the land. A vibration that touches anyone who steps their feet in Sardinia. That vibration cannot be colonised, cannot be taken, it belongs to Mother Nature. In this journey of heling and self-knowledge, we will decolonise those concepts that do not serve us anymore, we will bring a cleanse to our bodies and drink from the nectar of Mother Nature.
In this journey we will travel from the coastal and mountains areas of the East coast, where honouring the native population archaeological sites, and supported by the shamanic medicines, we will create a space to listen the ancient wisdom of this land.
It’s wonderful to have our teachers, XamAM and Dhan Ribeiro from the Brazilian tribe Terra Mirim, to guide us into a deep shamanic journey in the ancestral land of Sardinia. The Shamans have been walking the path of the Goddess Mother inspired by the Shamanism of the Four Elements for more than 40 years.

It’s an honour to welcome our teachers and to be able to share their wisdom and sacred medicines with us. For those who feel the call, this is a warm invitation to join us in this shamanic journey to feel, touch and activate the precious healing energy of Sardinia in us.


Thursday, June 13th
Arrival in Tortolì (recommended from 2pm to 7pm)
Accommodation arrangements
Sharing Circle

Friday, June 14th
Morning dynamics
Light lunch
Preparation of the Purification Lodge
Rite of the Purification Lodge

Saturday, June 15th
Morning dynamics and visit to a sacred site
A Journey into ancestral Sardinia
Ritual: Spirit of the Mountains and of the Waters

Sunday, June 16th
Sharing circle
Local tour in the Afternoon

Monday, June 17th
Shepard’s experience in Baunei
Shamanic Dynamics
Final sharing and goodbyes, exchange gift

Tuesday, June 18th

Contribution and Information

Journey Contribution:

760 euros (in twin rooms – 14 places available)

650 euros (in tent - 6 places available)

To reserve a place, 200 € is to be paid by bank transfer in advance.

Included are shamanic rituals and guidance, meals as indicated above, translation, organisation and accommodation for 5 nights.

The retreat has a limited number of people and will be in Italian and in English.

Regarding transport, best airports to arrive are Cagliari or Olbia. According to the group, we might decide to rent collective cars to share with the others.

If you feel the call for this retreat you are very welcome to join. You will have a chat with Isha to see, if this program is suitable for you and we will send more info. This retreat is for anyone that feels ready to go a bit deeper into themselves.

Contact us for any information - or directly to or in Facebook or Instagram at