Morning impulses

A morning ritual helps you to be already in the morning full of life and to consciously align yourself for the day.

When you get up, you set your intention for your day. Take some time for yourself. How much you need depends on you. Be kind to yourself and don’t take on too much. But it should also not be too little. With giving your time, you show your being appreciation, and you support it so that it can slowly recognize itself and unfold powerfully throughout the day.

Listen to your body, your feelings and your thoughts

Be with yourself and listen to your breath. Become aware that you exist and that you are alive. Become awake.


Feel yourself and your body. How does it feel today? Does anything hurt? Does your body wants movement? What does it need from you today? Give your body the space it needs right now.


Keep feeling. What feelings are inside you today? Take your time to notice them. Give them space and feel into them. Try not to judge, observe and feel into their meanings.


What are your thoughts today? Observe them for a while without judging or following them.


Activate your senses and listen to your soul

Now become aware of yourself once again. Become aware of yourself and activate your senses. What are you seeing right now? What is the taste in your mouth? What smell are you noticing right now? What sounds are around you? Gently touch your body and notice how it feels today. You are with yourself.


Go a little further and also become aware of your awareness of yourself. It is you who perceives all this, who experiences all this. Now bring this awareness of yourself into your attention and let it expand.


Your attention has now become more subtle. You feel and sense. Connect with your soul. Listen and dive into your realms.


Get in touch with this new day

Today you have been given another day of life. A new day that you can live awake in harmony with your truth saying Yes to life.

Give every day the chance to be the best day of your life.

  • Mark Twain

Breathe this day and welcome it.

The day will welcome you too…

Be with yourself

The kind of relationship we build with our fellow human beings has a decisive influence on its quality and what we can experience in this relationship. We can also build a good relationship with ourselves and nurture it throughout our lives. A good relationship with oneself is an important key to an authentic and fulfilled life.

Therefore, spend time consciously with yourself to really get to know yourself and to create and live a good relationship. To see what a great effect this will have on you and your self-perception, I would like to invite you to spend some time with yourself just 10 minutes every day to give time for just that. It doesn’t matter whether you prefer to take time in the morning, during the day or in the evening. It is time for you with you.

It is important that you consciously take time for yourself - just for you. During this time you are undisturbed. You can arrive in your time at yourself, feel and sense yourself and listen to your inner realms.

I was a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars - and started listening to the teachings of my soul.


Breathe life

If you do this the first time you will probably feel strange. It will probably also take a little while until you can really calm down. Maybe you will feel uncomfortable at first. All this is fine, accept it as it is. All these feelings and thoughts are in you right now, they belong to you. But you are more, be aware of yourself and move on.

These 10 minutes with you will be easier if you start by simply observing your breath. Observe how you breathe in and out. Follow your breath through your body. Observe how it comes and goes. Observe how your body moves. Perhaps you can also observe what thoughts make you travelling away from your breath. Observe yourself lovingly and return to the breath again and again. The breath is what keeps you alive.

Listen to your inner voice

Also speak to your being again and again. Tell it that you are spending time with it now and that you have the desire to really get to know yourself. Give yourself the space for your Self to tell you about itself. Create an inner space of silence to hear the powerful voice of your soul. Listen with all your senses – as intensely as you can.

If you take this time for yourself, you will be amazed at what 10 minutes a day can change in a week.

Just give it a try and experience your being.

Growing with life

When we believe that we can evolve with life and have the necessary resources to do so, we can handle challenges in more powerful and creative ways. We can reach out to our true abilities and possibilities.

Psychologist Carol Dweck1 has spent many years researching how our self-image influences our lives. She discovered that we are essentially influenced by two basic inner attitudes. Depending on this basic attitude, we deal with change and challenges in our lives very differently.

Living with a fixed mindset

If we consider our talent, intelligence and abilities as something fixed, we usually give up quickly when faced with difficulties or even avoid challenges completely. The fear of failure inhibits us from developing our true potential. With this unchanging attitude, we are not willing to learn from mistakes because we are afraid to make a mistake at all.

Unfortunately, when we face life with this attitude, we cannot face many opportunities and possibilities that would support us to create a better life. If you discover this attitude in yourself - or perhaps you know someone else - then you will learn in the next section which attitude allows us to go through life with open eyes.

Living with a growth mindset

If we have a growth mindset and believe that we can always develop further, then we see defeats as personal challenges that we can grow from. With this attitude, we are willing to practise and make mistakes. We have the confidence that with enough time we can overcome anything. This attitude allows us to recognise new opportunities all by ourselves and to solve problems more creatively.

Science tells you that just believing in it is already enough to have a different experience of life. You have all the necessary resources within you to grow and develop. In addition, you have many resources available within your environment that will support you in your life. Difficulties in life give you the opportunity to understand yourself better, to learn something and to grow beyond yourself. Look at what you have already learned - you were once a baby that couldn’t even walk. Now you can do much more than just walk…

To experience the difference between the two mindsets, I suggest the following experiment. Choose two different places in a room, each place representing one of the mindsets. Then go to that place and switch once to the mindset of limited resources and once to the mindset of unlimited, growing resources. See what effect this has on your perception.

Believe that you can grow

Your inner attitude is one of the most important foundations for personal growth and development. Carol Dweck has explored two polarities and shown that with a growth mindset we have experiences in life that support our growth.

Believe that you can always evolve and that you have unlimited resources to do so. Now observe how your experience and actions change. Remember this when you encounter difficulties in life.

I have everything within me that I need for my development.

  1. Dweck, C. (2007). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. New York: Ballantine Books. ↩︎