Artejanis - A School of Life Crafting Artejanis - A School of Life Crafting

Unfolding Your Self

Crafting is one of the most ancient arts of our society. It involves not only proper knowledge of adequate tools and good materials but also embodied experience to reach mastery. Shaping a refined artwork is a pure expression of creativity and maturity where even others can feel the respect and the love that the artisan has given to this.

While many things can be crafted like a nice wooden table, an elegant dress or an expressive dance choreography, in Artejanis, we are learning and teaching about the art of crafting life. Yes, exactly — Life!

Our school offers different ways where you can learn to be the artisan of your life. Using an experiential, experimental and existential approach, you will learn tools to explore yourself and walk on a path of self-knowledge to heal, to craft and to refine your life.

Be welcome,
Isha & Joshua

We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves.

Galileo Galilei
Artejanis' Living Laboraty Artejanis' Living Laboraty

In Artejanis we are guided by nature to be artisans of our life.

There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.


Next Offerings

Workshops, Retreats & More

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Feb 4–19 2025

Retreat: A Shamanic Journey to (Re)connect to Yourself

This is an immersive journey in the Brazilian shamanic community of Terra Mirim to dive deeper into your own soul and reconnect with the diverse layers of yourself. Intense 15 days fully dedicated to your healing and care.
Shamanic Community of Terra Mirim in English and Italian Find Out More
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May 25–1 2025

Retreat: Wild Wise Women Wellness

The journey is a 7 days immersion into the feminine power. It is designed to be an exceptional experience for harvesting the transformational force within. During the retreat, we will work with different shamanic tools to restore our well-being while reinforcing intuition, creativity, gentleness and self-love. The retreat ends with the annual world-famous Rose Festival in Kazanlak, Bulgaria.
Bulgaria in English Find Out More

Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.

Benjamin Franklin

Writings of Artejanis

Baum Baum
Crafting Life

Growing with life

Psychologist Carol Dweck has spent many years researching how our self-image influences our lives. She discovered that we are essentially influenced by two basic inner attitudes. Depending on this…

A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.

Albert Einstein